Shortly after 5:00 pm today, my vet will make a house call to euthanize my beloved companion, Sierra. For the past 5 years, this loyal, loving cocker spaniel has shared every moment of my life… has given me a reason to get out of bed in the morning.. has consoled me through the worst physical and emotional devastation. Now she is dying. Tonight my vet will ease her passage from this life and take away her warm body.. a body which has lain beside me as my loyal guardian, healer of my heart, keeper of my soul. Sierra will be gone before the sun sets tonight, leaving a void in my life that can never be filled again. One thing I can say with complete certainty of my life…my dogs have shown me what true unconditional love is all about. If not for Sierra, I would have given up long ago. Sierra has given me the most precious gift possible when I most needed it.
I cannot even imagine what tomorrow will be without her.
First moments with Sierra 9/2004
Christmas with Sierra 2006