Saturday, May 30, 2009 - Just plain awful

During the past few weeks, I have received email from 5 different people who tried posting responses on Awful Plastic Surgery only to have their messages deleted or not go through at all. I know they are telling the truth, because my own messages appeared for a minute and then were deleted.

This site seems to be a favorite place for my sister to spew her venomous lies, yet when I posted cold, hard evidence proving her lies, the site administrator deleted them. Why? One poster who frequents that site expressed her anger to me at being duped this way. She isn't alone. Apparently, the site enjoys the traffic generated by my sister's bizarre messages, but would rather not have her falsehoods revealed.

They certainly get lots of mileage out of my misfortune. One hoped they would have the decency to publish my posts.. and ALL posts shedding a true light on the issue at hand. Those who wrote to me were disgusted and said they no longer want to participate in its discussions. Perhaps if their stats go down, they might take a more fair and balanced position.


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